Sunday 5 November 2017

Sunday Snap – The birthplace of a plotter

We were in Whitby for last week's Halloween themed Sunday Snap. I asked the name of Bram Stoker's vampire that came ashore at Whitby and the answer is


Sinking their teeth in with the right answer were Cheryl, Kara, Anne and Susan.

We're off to York this week and under our breath we're muttering, “Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.” The building in question is where the best known of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators was born in 1570. He was baptised in the Protestant church facing this building in April 1570. At the time practising the Catholic faith was forbidden and many people made a public show of going to an Anglican church whilst still secretly celebrating Catholic masses within their own homes. After his father died when he was eight years old his mother married a Catholic and he was exposed to Catholic teachings at home and at school.

At the age of 21 he sold his inheritance and set off fight for Spain. Upon his return to England in 1604 he became involved with a group of Catholics led by Robert Catesby. Their grand plan was to blow up Parliament on the day that the Protestant King James I was opening it. After this they would kidnap James' 9 year old daughter Elizabeth, place her on the throne and then bring her up as a Catholic. All seemed to be going well with their plot until an anonymous note was sent to the Catholic Lord Monteagle warning him not to attend Parliament. Rather than just taking the advice of the writer he took the note to the king. A search was made of the cellars underneath Parliament in the early hours of 5th November and a man was found leaving the cellar. Upon further searching barrels of gunpowder were found under piles and coal and the monarchy was saved. This week's question is

What was the name of the York born gunpowder plotter?

We were joined last week by Susan and some amazing Halloween costumes. There some other Halloween makes with Cheryl's witch's finger biscuits and Anne's pumpkin carving. Kara's brave boys have been climbing blindfold and dressed ready for some dinosaur action. Finally, Lisa has been to visit the 'From Within' exhibition.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 10th November 2017 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.

Sunday Snap

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  1. It has to be Guy Fawkes - hope everyone enjoys the fireworks xx

  2. Guy Fawkes! I have been watching 'Gunpowder' on tv and it's shocking what people have done in the name of religion, I've squirmed at the torture scenes. Also, I live very near to Baddesley Clinton and I'm itching to visit there. Thanks for hosting x


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