Tuesday 14 November 2017

All in one Victoria Sponge Cake

All in one Victoria Sponge Cake
This is the only cake I make that I don't need to look at the recipe for. All the ingredients and method I know off by heart. This is down to the simplicity of the  entire recipe. The main elements of the cake are all the same weight and the method is just mix it all together. Just one bowl with no sifting, separate creaming or folding in.

I've lost count of the amount of times I have made this Victoria Sponge over the years but I think this year alone I have made seven of them. The key to its popularity is its simplicity. It's not the most exciting cake to look at or even to eat but therein lies its magical qualities. You can fill it with jam or go for the more luxurious option of whipped fresh cream or buttercream. As for the topping either leave it plain or just sift some icing sugar over the top.

Equipment: 2 x 8in (20cm) sandwich tins lined, large bowl, electric whisk/beaters, wire rack.


8oz (225g) Unsalted butter softened or baking spread
8oz (225g) Caster sugar
8oz (225g) Self raising flour
4 Eggs
2tsp (10ml) Baking sugar
½ tsp (2.5ml) Vanilla extract

Filling – choice of jam, whipped fresh cream, buttercream
Topping – Leave plain or dust with sifted icing sugar


Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/Gas mark 4.
Put all the ingredients in the bowl and whisk together for several minutes. The mixture should be light and fluffy.
Divide the mixture equally between the two tins and gently spread out the mixture.
Put the tins into the oven and slowly close the door – this prevents the sponges from sinking.
Bake for 20-25 minutes until the sponges are golden and springy to the touch.
Remove from the tins and leave to cool on the wire rack before spreading with your filling of choice.
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