Now the
clocks have changed and the days are much shorter it's very easy to
forget about the garden. There are lots of little jobs that can be
done that will bring instant benefit to your garden now but also
later next year.
Fill pots
and baskets for a winter display – There's plenty of plants
available at time of year that can make up a nice and colourful
winter display. Look out for cyclamen, winter pansies and winter
flowering heathers.
bare-root trees, plants and perennials – As long as your ground
isn't waterlogged or frozen November is the perfect time to plant
bare-roots. Not only will they be cheaper because they aren't being
sold in full leaf but also the autumn soil conditions encourages new
growth. If you're wanting fruit trees or hedging now is the time to
buy them and get them in the ground.
stored fruit and vegetables – We still have a lot of produce
from our allotment in storage. If you have crops such as potatoes,
onions, garlic, apples and pears make sure they are still in good
condition but discard any that show signs of bruising or rotting to
the compost heap.
compost heap – Although the colder weather may slow down the
decomposition process you can help things along by turning or
stirring your compost pile. It also gives you the opportunity to look
at how the compost is coming along. If it looks rather wet or slimy
hold back adding anything else that will add to the problem. Instead
put in some dry material such as wood cuttings, cardboard loo rolls
or egg boxes.
Dig up
dahlias – I love the colour and vibrancy that dahlias bring in
the autumn but once the first frost hits them they will go black. Dig
up the tubers and store them until you ready to replant them again
come May or early June when the last frost has passed.
Cut back
herbaceous perennials – Any parts of the plants that haven't
died back yet need to be cut down to ground level so just the crown
remains. Cover them with mulch to both protect from frost but also to
suppress weeds and provide nutrients to the ground.
tulips and lilies – It's not too late to plant some spring
flowering bulbs. Do this after tidying up the borders so you can see
where they will fit in best.
What are
your gardening plans for November? Are you going to brave the cold
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