Sunday 17 April 2016

Sunday Snap – The Castle Cannon

Last week for Sunday Snap we were looking at a castle perched on top of an ancient volcanic rock. I asked which castle it was and the answer is

Edinburgh Castle

In the know last week were Cheryl, Susan, Kara and Lisa.

For this week we are staying within Edinburgh Castle. Each day except for Sundays, Good Friday and Christmas Day a cannon is fired at the same time from the walls of the Castle. The reason it is fired at the same time is that it was originally used for people and sailors to set their clocks and watches by. In 1861 the Time Ball was installed on top of the Nelson Monument. This was designed principally for sailors in their ships in Leith Harbour and the Firth of Forth some two miles away. The problem with the Time Ball was that someone had to be on lookout to see it drop and on grey, foggy days the Time Ball wasn't visible. To combat this problem a cannon started to be fired from Edinburgh Castle. Due to the amount of time it takes for sound to travel the further away you are the less accurate it is however it is unmissable. In these security conscious times you can see first time visitors to Edinburgh being quite alarmed at the sound of the cannon going off whilst regulars walk on unfazed.

The original purpose of the gun has not been needed for years however the ceremony has become a tourist attraction. The job of firing the gun each day is the responsibility of the District Gunner of the 105th Regiment Royal Artillery (Volunteers). Over the years at least four different guns have been used with the current first coming into service on St. Andrew's Day in 2001. The gun is named after the time it is fired and often Castle guides are asked, “What time does the ***o'clock gun fire?” This week's question is

At what time does the gun fire?

We were joined last week by Sophie and a beautiful sunset. Jack and Noah were left at home as Mum and Dad enjoyed their competition win trip to New York. In New Zealand Betty has been on the lookout for some more churches whilst on holiday. Emma has been able to capture Venice at night. Ten little ducks went swimming one day for Cheryl but thankfully Mother Duck was in charge at the front. Making the most of the wet weather was Susan's daughter. Having fun in the woods were Kara's sons Sebby and Isaac.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday April 22nd 2016 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

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  1. Ahh you are doing all these easy ones for me aren't you? Keep it up ;) It's 1pm xx

  2. I bet it would be a surprise if you weren't expecting it!

  3. 1pm guns - we stayed around for it when we visited. made the smallest one cry

  4. ha ha I was just going to say lunchtime but after seeing the comments I'm going to be more specific and go with 1pm x

  5. Of course it's 1 pm

    I love traditional things

  6. Ooh I didn't know it was 1pm, would definitely be good to know in advance!

  7. What a great tourist attraction, would love to see it! I think its 1pm

  8. Gosh that takes me back to my student years when Scotland was a regular visit. Look at all that smoke!


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