Sunday 8 November 2015

Sunday Snap – The War Poet

For last week's Sunday Snap we were looking at the Houses of Parliament and the tale of Guy Fawkes' bid to blow it up with the King inside it. I asked which king this was and we had a bit of a divide over the answer. Some of you went for Henry VIII but the correct answer was

James I

Our shooting stars this week were Erica, Stephen, Rachel, Sarah, Abi, Kara and Helen with the right answer.

Since today is Remembrance Sunday I thought I would go with the war theme for this week's photograph. The statue above was taken in a park in Rugby – the home town of this writer. He attended the famous Rugby School where his father was a housemaster. After graduating from Cambridge he started having some of his poetry published including in 1912 'The Old Vicarage, Grantchester'. Shortly after that he decided to travel widely with trips to North America, New Zealand and the Pacific islands. He returned to England just before the outbreak of war in 1914. As part of the war effort he was commissioned into the Royal Naval Division and was a witness to the failed Siege of Antwerp. For a man best known as war poet he actually only experienced a small amount of the war. On 23 April 1915 he died on a hospital ship on the way to Gallapoli. His death was not the result of any war actions but of blood poisoning caused by bitten by a mosquito. He was just 27. Only days before his death the now well-known lines of his sonnet The Soldier was read out as part of the Easter sermon in St. Paul's Cathedral. The poem starts,

If I should die, think only this of me:
That there's some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England. There shall be
In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;

As if foretelling his own death and burial he was buried in an olive grove on the Greek island of Skyros. That just leaves this week's question which is

Which war poet is the statue of?

We were joined last week by Snoskred and some chickens which have both their good and bad moments. There was trick and treating French style from Cheryl's pair. Back in Blightly Susan's trio were showing off their very inventive Halloween costumes. Captain Jack was on pirate duties and being ably assisted by Noah. Kirsty's gruesome twosome had their best fright night faces on. A visit to Madame Tussards for Sue meant a meeting with Marilyn Monroe. There was a chance sighting of a harrier hawk for Betty. Finally, Kara's pair are in the country seemly lost in another era.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 13th November 2015 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

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Twitter: @jibberjabberuk please use the hashtag #SundaySnap
Facebook: Jibberjabberuk
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Google+: Jibber JabberUK

I'll share my favourites with you next week and remember I do like a bit of a tale to go with a photo but it's not a necessity!


  1. Rupert Brooke. Makes you wonder what he would have gone on to write if he had lived.

  2. I know this one - it's Rupert Brooke (or Brook, not sure)

  3. What an interesting statue. Sorry have no idea who it is xx

  4. I have to admit I don't know who it is! Great statue :)

  5. I don't know but it is a pretty cool sculpture and I like the fact he is barefoot. Mich x

  6. I know it is Rupert Brooke, I was only reading about it earlier today x

  7. I'd never heard of Rupert Brooke before, you really do learn something new everyday :) He was a good looking chap.

  8. Rupert Brooke. His words are so moving. It is a shame he wasn't around to share more of them

  9. Pretty sure it is Rupert Brooke :0)

  10. You always have interesting posts for Sunday Snap, but I would have to google to find your answers!

  11. Fantastic statue of Rupert Brooke. Kaz x


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