Wednesday 4 November 2015

After school #MilkDrinkersMilk

Now the Junior JibberJabbers have returned to school after half term our evenings are quite different. We had quite a balmy September and October which meant we were in no real rush to make our way home. Both children spent time with their friends in the playground before we decided which of the many routes to make our way home. Now we have reached November the mists have descended and the sun doesn't seem to want to make an appearance. Soon by half by four the nights will have fully drawn in and the skies dark.

When we get in now I go round the house and pull the curtains to keep the warmth in. We then sit round the table with warm mugs of milk and a selection of biscuits to properly catch up on the day. So I get to know what was on the lunch menu and who said what. Any other aspects of the day can be summed up by Master JibberJabber as, “Don't know”, “Can't remember”, “It's a secret” or just simply “Nothing”. I'm sure that the various colours of paints that seem to appear each day on Master JibberJabber's jumper and trousers mean that something must have happened.

Once the biscuits have been dunked in the milk it's time to get on with the business of the day. From practising handwriting, getting to grips with phonics to the never ending spellings, maths and topic work. The reward for all this hard work is time to play and relax before dinner is prepared and served. With a warm bath beckoning it's time to go upstairs. Onesies on and there's just each time to jump into the big bed for a story before snuggling up in bed. Before you know it another day has begun.

What's your after school routine? Do you sit down together and discuss the day?

This post is an entry for BritMums #MilkDrinkersMilk Linky Challenge, sponsored by Cravendale.


  1. 'Don't know' 'Can't remember' and 'nothing' sounds like a familiar response!
    I wish I could spend more after school time with my daughter..... Unfortunately she gets to spend that with her child minder until I get home from work. As she gets older and becomes more independent, she also seems to get more remote. Enjoy every minute of that after school mummy time while you can!

  2. No greater joy than dunking! Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part


I appreciate your comments. If you have any tips, tricks or tweaks please pass them on!