Friday, 12 May 2017

Finance Fridays – Workplace injuries

We were talking about the financial benefits of being on the Electoral Register for last week's Finance Fridays. This week were are looking at workplace injuries. I work from home now but for many years I worked in large offices and before that in retail. With the myriad of equipment and people about it's no wonder that accidents and illnesses are common. Let's have a look at some of the risks and what you can do about it.

It seems that the younger you are the more likely you are to suffer an injury or illness due to your workplace. Research has shown that 71% of employees aged 16-29 have stated that they find their workplace to be a health hazard. What is more shocking is that 46% of these workers have actually had an accident at work with 23% of employees needing to go to hospital.

I remember a particular corner in the office where I once worked which was named 'collision corner'! The carpet around this corner was stained with tea and coffee which had been spilt. Of course these are hot drinks and one day one of my colleagues ended up covered in freshly made coffee and got scolded. In another office I was asked to blindly sign a health and safety assessment. I refused to do so and ended up measuring my desk and equipment and found it didn't conform! So what can you do if you get injured at work? 

Any injury or illness can cause you to be out of pocket.This could be through loss of earnings, extra costs due to paying out for alternative transport or expenses due to doctor's and hospital appointments. Many people are worried about claiming against their employer in case they are not entitled to any compensation. The first thing you can do is to go online and use the new free Injury Compensation Calculator from Hayward Baker. After seeing the results you can then decide if you want to pursue the case.

To get an idea of some of the risks in the workplace have a look at this infographic.

Have you ever had an injury or illness due to your workplace? Would you know how much you could be entitled to?

This is a collaborative post.

If you want to join in with this week's Finance Fridays then add your link to the linky below. Any post concerning financial matters is allowed. Full details here. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Tuesday 16th May 2017 to join in.
Finance Fridays

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  1. I was a first aider at work and people used to have accidents all the time, mostly through carelessness and a lack of common sense. I hate all this 'where there is blame, there's a claim' nonsense

  2. Have to say I was lucky and never experienced an injury at work.

  3. I wonder how this would work if your home was your workplace ;-) I've always been lucky and avoided these sorts of accidents, but I've seen them happen.

  4. My father died in an industrial accident and I feel really torn about workplace accidents and insurance payouts. My mum got a much smaller payout than she would have gotten if it happened 10 years previously, as so many people claim when actually they shouldnt have gotten insured in the first place if they had used their head.

  5. Fortunately I have never had an accident at work and i would hope my workplace would be insured against such possibilities.

  6. useful information to know , My husband is a first aider at work .

  7. I'm thankful that I haven't - my husband used to be a first aider at work too and that sounded pretty stressful.


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