Thursday 24 November 2016

Renishaw Hall Gardens in November

It looks like I've had my final visit of the year to Renishaw Hall Gardens. I was greeted in the car park aka front lawn with the sight of some of the wonderful trees in their full autumnal glory.
It's definitely time to put the garden to bed until spring. The fabulous collection of statues have been wrapped up to protect against the winter frosts and possible snow.
The only statues that remain uncovered are round the side of the house with the collection of stonework oddments.
The borders have been cleared and are now ready for the new year.
A little nod to Christmas is the topiary reindeer. There's also a rabbit presumably waiting for Easter.
I'm not sure the red berries will last until Christmas but I'm sure the birds will be grateful for an easy feast.
We didn't go down to the woodlands. The rain has been so heavy recently I thought it would be more like a swamp down there. Whatever the season the path leading down to the temple is always romantic.
Not everything has got the memo about what time of year it is. Some of the hydrangeas are still in full bloom with no signs of the petals turning to their winter skeletal state.
I'm not sure some of the rose buds will ever have the chance to bloom now but the ones that have come out this year have provided a magnificent display.
With so many plants now dying away it allows others to display their final hurrah.

So farewell for now Renishaw Hall Gardens and I'll be ready to see you again in March.


  1. I rather like the cleared borders - they look ever so neat, preparing themselves for Spring I'd like to think. Speaking of which, can we fast forward through Winter and skip the chilly part please? Pleeeeeease!
    Thanks for joining in again lovely, I hope that you are snuggly warm at this cold time x

  2. Still striking in winter and I love how they wrap the statues up. I have a rose in bloom in my garden, hanging on just about despite the frost. There's something about a winter garden that is so lovely, seeing the structure and the borders all clear.

  3. everything is still so green and lush!


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