Sunday 28 February 2016

Sunday Snap – The Literary Parsonage

We were back in Nottingham for the second week running for last week's Sunday Snap. We popped by a pub which claims it dates back to the times of the Crusades. I asked the name of the king associated with the Crusades and the answer was

Richard I or Richard the Lionheart

Drinks all round to Cheryl and Kizzy for getting the answer right.

This week I have a story to tell about a village parsonage that was once filled with a family of writers. In the early 1800s an Irishman called Partick Brunty moved to Cambridge to study Theology. After being ordained he served at a number parishes before finally settling in this West Yorkshire village. At some stage he made a subtle change to his surname and it is this new name that three of his daughters became known by. The wildness of the surrounding countryside helped to inspire the sisters to write some of the most famous novels in English literature such as Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and Agnes Grey. Sadly the family was struck by illness which resulted in Patrick's wife and all of their six children dying before the age of 40. As a result of this Patrick outlived all of family and was left with no direct descendants. This is week's question is

Which famous literary family lived at this parsonage?

We were joined last week by Snoskred's memories of seeing tigers at the zoo. Kara Janelle has been willing on spring with a bright daffodil. The moon made an early appearance for SophieA Valentine's day out was enjoyed by Jack and Noah. There may not have been much snow but Cheryl's pair made the most of it. In Wales Shaheen found a horned statue that had also been yarned bombed and accessorized. Also in south Wales Kelly has been down to Penarth Pier. Over in New Zealand Betty has been exploring the delights of Northland. Finally, Kara found a solitary daffodil in the snow.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 4th March 2016 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

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I'll share my favourites with you next week and remember I do like a bit of a tale to go with a photo but it's not a necessity!


  1. Yay I know this one!! It's the Bronte sisters who lived there. xx

  2. Definitely the Bronte Sisters. I went to primary school in "Bronte country", I think we might have been on a school trip here! :)

  3. Ahh the Brontes! I once stayed in a house that was rumoured to have inspired the mad woman in the attic of Jane Eyre. It was very spooky!

  4. The Brontes! I didn't know that the whole family died before the age of 40... particularly poignant for me as I'm 40 this year

  5. Ah yes the Brontes - I love their books. I've read them all I think.

  6. I'm going with the Brontes as they're the only literary family I can think of x

  7. From the clues I'd say the Bronte sisters

  8. I have no idea where this is, although reading the comments I should as I loved their books

  9. Aha, I would have actually said the Bronte sisters. I used to live not too far from where they lived but never managed to make my way there for a day out. One to add to the places I really need to visit!! Stephen


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