Sunday 21 February 2016

Sunday Snap – Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem Nottingham

We were off for last week's Sunday Snap to have a look at a castle built on top of some rocky caves. I asked which city it was in and the answer was


Getting the right answer was Cheryl, Susan, Kizzy and Claire.

For this week's Sunday Snap not only are we staying in Nottingham but right next door to the rocks at the bottom of Nottingham Castle. This pub is the Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem. It purports to be the oldest inn in England although some claim it isn't even the oldest pub in Nottingham! The pub is built into the side of the rocky caves and it is the age of these caves that gives rise to the owners dating back it to the 12th century. It is thought is may have been used as a brewhouse for the Castle above. The first recording of it being used as licensed premises was as pub in the 18th century called The Pilgrim. In 1799 it changed its name to Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem. The 'trip' is an old term for a stop on a journey. The official date that the pub claims to date from is 1189. This is the year when the English king at the time and Pope Gregory VIII called for a Third Crusade to the Holy Land. In Nottinghamshire folklore Robin Hood was said to have been driven to outlawry while this king was away fighting in the Third Crusade and his brother John was left to rule.

Which 12th century king was associated with The Crusades to the Holy Land?

We were joined last week by Snoskred and some visits to the beach in differing weather. Sophie has been up early to capture the colourful morning sunrise. Finishing the family walk at the lighthouse was Cheryl. Enjoying the fun of some Shrove Tuesday pancake tossing was Susan's trio. Kelly was getting to the Sharpie end of organising her pens. Getting potty with some ceramics was Sue. Finally, Kara had found herself another castle built on a rock.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 26th February 2016 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

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Twitter: @jibberjabberuk please use the hashtag #SundaySnap
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I'll share my favourites with you next week and remember I do like a bit of a tale to go with a photo but it's not a necessity!


  1. The castle looks great , I am going to Nottingham next month may check it out.

  2. I've never been to Nottingham, I hope to one day. Its been a while since I joined in Sunday Snap, always seems to forget but not this weekend. Joining in today.

  3. Looks lovely, even if it isn't the oldest :) I would guess at Richard the Lionheart but history isn't my strongpoint !

  4. I've been to the pub, but don't know the answer sorry. It is fascinating. Hope you have a great week xx

  5. Looks like a great old pub, I love traditional pubs! :)

  6. I love a pub with a good history and this looks as if it would be very quirky inside. Mich x

  7. This is a brill pub and one I have frequently many a time as we used to live just a stones throw from the castle. I keep meaning to take my kids there as i think they would love to hear about the history (especially the ghost stories!).

  8. I have no idea about the question but I do love the look of that pub!

  9. I think the king was Richard the Lionheart.

  10. I have no idea but swear a few towns claim to have the oldest inn lol


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