Sunday 8 October 2017

Sunday Snap – Our Dumb Friend's League

For last week's Sunday Snap we were looking at a French President. I asked what was the name of the war leader and the answer is

General Charles de Gaulle

Waving the le Tricolore with the right answer were Susan, Anne and Kara.

We return to these shores after our weeks of French excursions. This water trough stands on a piece of land hidden away in the London suburb of Tolworth. The inscription plaque on it reads,


'Our dumb friends' refers to the working horses that were prevalent on the streets in Victorian times. In time it has come to cover any animals who of course are unable to speak up for themselves. In 1897 the league was established to help the working horses in London. This water trough was one of many that were placed around the country to provide refreshment for the thirsty horses. In just a year The League had set up 22 branches in England and Wales, one in Northern Ireland plus a cabman's branch in London. By 1906 it had set up its first animal hospital in Victoria, London which still exists to this day but was rebuilt in 2001.

A special appeal was set up in 1912 to help horses during the Balkan War. It was the name of this campaign that the organisation changed its name to in 1958. During World War One it was instrumental in sending veterinary supplies, horse clothing and any possible form of comfort for the horses who had to choice to be part of the war effort. After the war medal were handed out by the League to horses that had served during the war. This has continued over the years both in times of conflict and other heroic or inspiration acts committed by horses and other animals such as dogs.

Sadly I have found no other details of Janet Charlotte Bennett Mathew but I'm sure she would have been proud to find that 120 years on her animal charity is still going. These days it provides free veterinary care, animal behaviour therapy and rehoming services. This week's question is

What is Our Dumb Friends League now know as?

We were joined by Susan and a 39+1 birthday! Anne found not one but two cats in a box. We have a winner in Kara and her BritMums Blogging Award whilst at Birdland there was an encounter with a snake. Finally, Soma has been remaking a quilt for her cat.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 13th October 2017 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.

Sunday Snap

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  1. I think it is the Blue Cross :)

  2. I will hazard a guess - Blue Cross?!


  3. I had to Google, but at least you get to learn even more that way ;) It's the Blue Cross.

  4. Sorry, I didn't comment on Sunday. I am sure it's the Blue Cross or something animal league x


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