Sunday 1 October 2017

Sunday Snap – The French President

We were in Paris for last week's Sunday Snap of the church on the island. I asked what was the name of cathedral which was home to the fictional Quasimodo and the answer is

Notre-Dame de Paris

Ringing the bells with the right answer were Cheryl, Anne, Kara, Susan and Soma.

It's our last trip to Paris for Sunday Snap. This statue stands on the Champs-Élysées as tribute to one of France's most well-known and respected presidents. He was born in Lille in 1890 and decided to enter the military. He rose through the ranks before being promoted to brigadier-general before the outbreak of World War II. He had criticised France's defences but his advice was not taken and in June 1940 the German forces were easily able to invade and occupy France. He managed to escape to England where he immediately gained the support of Winston Churchill. The day after he arrived Churchill helped him broadcast on BBC radio to deliver his message to the French people to continue to fight the occupation. Whilst in exile he formed a French government and became leader of the Free French Forces.

After the liberation of Paris in August 1944 he returned to France in triumph and was welcomed back to the country as a hero. He became president of a provisional government and helped to restore it back to democracy but decided not to continue in frontline politics. After the Algerian crisis of 1958 he was persuaded to return to politics and was elected president. In 1969 at the age of 78 he resigned as president and spent the next year at his home in the French countryside before dying the following year. This week's question is

What is the name of the famous French president?

We were joined last week by Cheryl and a tree shaped by the wind. Kara has found her daughter in the trees and feeding time at the wildlife park. In Stratford Anne has found it is Christmas all year round at one shop. Susan has been getting the family all together. There's been some experimenting with street photography by Aurora. Finally, Soma has been taking inspiration from her cat for her latest quilting project.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 6th October 2017 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.

Sunday Snap

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  1. Was it Charles De Gaulle or however you spell it? X

  2. My guess is Charles De Gaulle. Thanks for hosting x

  3. My immediate thought was Charles De Gaulle


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