Friday 20 October 2017

Finance Fridays – 40 item selling challenge

We were checking down the back of the sofa for old pound coins and finding out when we needed to spend them by for last week's Finance Fridays. This week it's about making some money. At this time of year I like to start on a bit of a clear out. Both of the Junior JibberJabbers' birthdays are in November and Christmas is just over two months away. Therefore now is the perfect time to shift some things out of the house and get some money for them.

If you are a private seller on eBay you can list up to 20 items a month for free as long as they are not classified ads or you are selling a vehicle. As long as you don't put any extras on your listing that's 40 items you can list between now and Christmas. Of course you don't have to solely rely on eBay to sell your items but the 40 items is a good target to try and achieve. If you are looking for alternatives here are some suggestions and what you can sell through them:

Similar to eBay



Vinted – Clothes, bags, shoes.

Facebook Marketplace and local selling groups.

If you are going to sell items through the above sites make sure your photographs are clear and well lit. If you can upload multiple photographs then take advantage of it. Take tell in writing out your descriptions and giving as much information as possible about the item. If you are selling clothes or shoes add the size or age in the description line. Finally if you are selling through an auction method time then end of your listing well. You need to choose a time when more people are likely to be around to bid on it at the end. This is generally between 7-9pm.

Sites for directly selling items to

Fatbrain - Books

Music Magpie – Books, CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays, Mobile phones, tablets and computers, games consoles and Lego.

We Buy Books - Books, games, DVDs, CDs.

Zapper – Books, CDs, DVDs, games, mobile phones, gift cards, phones, electronics and Lego.

Zeek – Gift cards – Books, games, DVDs, CDs.

I may not be able to find 40 items around the house to sell between now and Christmas but I think it gives me some motivation to get going. Do you want to take part as well? If so update me on your progress through my social media channels listed below using the hashtag #40items.

If you want to join in with this week's Finance Fridays then add your link to the linky below. Any post concerning financial matters is allowed. Full details here. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Tuesday 24th October 2017 to join in.
Finance Fridays

If you use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Google+ please tag me and I will retweet, Like, Share or +1 as appropriate. You can find me here:

Twitter: @jibberjabberuk - please use the hashtag #FinanceFridays
Facebook: Jibberjabberuk
Instagram: @jibberjabberuk
Google+: Jibber JabberUK 

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