Sunday 14 August 2016

Sunday Snap – The Grocer's Shop

We were looking at an East Sussex pier for last week's Sunday Snap. After being burnt down in 2010 it rose from the ashes to be rebuilt and opened again in May this year. I asked which pier this was and the answer is


Promenading down the boards with the right answer were Erica, Susan and Kara.

Last week we took a trip to Belton House which is just outside of Grantham. Afterwards I couldn't resist the short trip into town to have a look at this corner building. In 1919 Alfred Roberts bought a grocer's business in Grantham after serving as an apprentice in the shop. During the First World War he had tried to enlist in the army but because of his poor eyesight he was rejected six times. The business did so well that in 1923 he opened another shop. As well as running the shops Roberts was well-known in the town for his political, civic and religious activities. He was an alderman of the town for many years and become Mayor of Grantham in 1945. As well as his political duties he was a J.P and a director of several local financial institutions – he always believed in individual responsibility and sound finance. He was a lifelong member of the Methodist Church and regularly used to preach at his local church.

It was above this shop in 1925 that his youngest daughter was born. She went on to study chemistry at Oxford before pursuing her own career in politics. Between 1959 and 1992 she was the MP for Finchley.

Who was Alfred Roberts' famous daughter?

We were joined last week by Susan and her family fun in Aberdeen. Kelly has been seeing blue in the reflection. Kara has been at Camp Bestival enjoying the delights of the Dingly Dell and a woodland rock band.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 19th August 2016 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it. 
Sunday Snap

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  1. I know this one. It's Margaret Thatcher. Hope you're having a good summer x

  2. I think its Maggie Thatcher!

  3. I didn't know it was Margaret Thatcher - but knew she was the daughter of a grocer!

  4. i have absolutely no idea! Stumped, but it is an area of the country that I know nothing about.

  5. WOW how interesting I had no idea! Love learning about the Uk x

  6. I was beginning to think I didn't have a clue until the bit about being a long standing MP for Finchley and then I remembered the Grantham grocer connection. Maggie Thatcher!

  7. Thought it might have been Mags! :D I knew he was a Grocer, but It was interesting to find out he was so much more than that! :)

  8. Well I have no idea about this weeks but I wish I had done last weeks, as I knew where it was just by your description as I live close by. Have a fab week, Mich x

  9. I have no idea but I look forward to finding out next week x


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