Thursday 17 March 2016

All change at the allotment

I left last week's post on a cliffhanger. We had been offered another allotment plot on our site which we originally looked at back in November. So did we go for it? Of course we did!

We had several reasons for moving. The only buildings on our old plot were old chicken sheds. One was completely open to the elements with just wire on the front while the other was full of chicken poo! The Junior JibberJabbers are now loving their new den AKA the greenhouse. With a table and chairs already in place they have set it up as somewhere to read, colour and eat cake.

Although I liked the openness of the old plot I have say now we are in the middle of the site I feel more part of the allotment. The chap who has the plot that runs along the bottom of ours is the chicken owner of the old plot! He showed the kids a blue egg that had just been laid. He moved from the old plot as felt the ground was better in the middle of the site and people kept lobbing over their rubbish from the pavement on the other side.

Since we had prepared the old site for the new growing season we've had to start again. I spent the weekend clearing the weeds off half of the plot. Mr JibberJabber turned the soil over and planted a row and a half of mixed onion sets.

There was a row of purple sprouting broccoli which had mainly gone to seed but we did save some of it. Also left was a row of kale which seems to be the winter green of choice on most plots.

I'm not sure it was the previous plot owner's intention but we also cleared two of the biggest swedes I've ever come across.

We also rescued from our old plot the rhubarb crowns, raspberry canes plus the apple and plum trees. I hope they survive their uprooting!

At the top third of the plot is 'the wilderness' which we're not talking about! For some reason a laurel bush was growing in the middle of it and someone has come along and chopped it down.

We've got plenty of ground prepared for the immediate spring planting so this section can wait until we need it later in the year. I'm not sure what the two inverted wooden 'L' shaped posts were used for. I am quite tempted to remove them and upcycle them into signposts.

The last thing we have gained is our own allotment cat. He's been named 'Imposter' or 'Immie' for short. I'm not sure of his effectiveness or his general purpose but for the moment he is staying!


  1. I thought you'd choose the other one - it was the greenhouse which convinced me. I was rather shocked to read that people throw litter over the wall. That always makes me boil. Anyway sounds like you have a great new allotment!

  2. Yay! Nice move!
    Family time? Cake? Digging?
    Sound like a great plan!

    So pleased that you made the decision that's had such a positive impact fro your family :)

    Thanks for joining in again jib jabz

  3. Enjoy the new plot, i hope whoever gets your old one is grateful

  4. It sounds like a plot move was a good choice. Were the swedes edible or had they turned a bit woody? Tasty looking cake by the way :)

  5. What a good move, and positive choice there! Gardening and cake...bliss!

  6. Love watching allotments come together, looks like you are going to be having a lot of fun. The cat is great, always interesting to see what you inherit on a plot - bits and bobs of random things. L shapes posts could be useful for things like supporting a row of broad beans.

  7. you totally left a clifhanger and i truly thought you would stay. congratulations! love the row boat

  8. Enjoy your new plot! Is the boat on the new one? That's such a novel idea for a raised it! #HDYGG


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