Sunday 7 June 2015

Sunday Snap – The White Cliffs

An ancient stone used for the coronation of Saxon kings was the feature of last week's Sunday Snap. If you want to see this little piece of English history you'll need to head off to

Kingston upon Thames

Many think that the name Kingston comes from 'King's stone' but actually it was recorded as being called 'Kings Tun' before the first coronation. The 'tun' is this case means it was part of the king's estate or manor. If you're wondering how I manage to end up in such random places each week this one can be explained by the fact I was born in Kingston and Father JibberJabber actually used to work in the building behind the Coronation Stone. Those without the benefit of such local knowledge who got the answer right last week were Rachel, Helen, Angela and Nichola.

It's away from the London suburbs and onto the coast for this week's Sunday Snap. I'll say straight away that although this is a famous white cliff it isn't Dover but it is on the south coast. The impressive height of this cliff gives it the status of the highest chalk sea cliff in the UK at around 162m above sea level. The original name for it has been recorded as 'Beauchef' coming from the French 'Beautiful headland'. On a much grimmer note it is one of the most famous suicide spots in the world, however in recent years a chaplaincy service, The Samaritans and teams of local people have helped to cut the suicide rate.

The lighthouse beneath the cliffs was completed in 1902. In 2011 Trinity House, who is responsible for the upkeep of the lighthouses, stated they couldn't afford to repaint the lighthouse in its distinctive red and white stripes and said it would be allowed to return to it natural grey granite colour. An appeal was launched and the necessary funds were raised in order to keep it red and white. This week's question is

What is the name of this sea cliff?

We were joined last week by Betty and her fughi hidden treasure. Over in Runcorn Sam has been snapping the impressive green bridge.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 12th June 2015 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

If you use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Google+ please tag me and I will retweet, Like, Share or +1 as appropriate. You can find me here:

Twitter: @jibberjabberuk please use the hashtag #SundaySnap
Facebook: Jibberjabberuk
Instagram: jibberjabberuk
Google+: Jibber JabberUK

I'll share my favourites with you next week and remember I do like a bit of a tale to go with a photo but it's not a necessity!


  1. That's Beachy Head at Eastbourne, just along the coast from my home town of Hastings :)

  2. What a fab photo, I bet there is a great view from up there x

  3. Wow what a great photograph! Nice to have learnt something new Today!

  4. Beachy Head! Great picture and fab information!

  5. Such a beautiful photograph, I would love to visit there

  6. Fab photograph, its been years since ive been to Beachy Head x

  7. I've been here years ago - Beachy Head x

  8. I think it might be Beachy Head, but I am not sure

  9. I believe its Beachy Head and I love it up there - such a fab place x

  10. As soon as you mentioned suicide I knew, Beachy Head. And in a similar vein is my contribution this week.....

    Hooray for stripy lighthouses.

  11. Such a wonderful photo. I've never been to Beachy Head before!

  12. Oh you are at Beachy Head, right by my home, we are often up on the Seven Sisters, I love it. Mich x

  13. The cliffs dwarf that lighthouse don't they!

  14. I think it's Beachy Head. I grew up near here and it was always said to be the suicide hotspot! It's beautiful though.

  15. What a beautiful photo, I haven't been there in a long time. x

  16. Gorgeous looking placce - will have to visit one day!

  17. It's been years since I've been here. It's got to be Beachy head

  18. What a gorgeous photo - I have never been here. Stunning. Kaz x


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