Sunday 23 April 2017

Sunday Snap – The Chapel of Symbols

We were in Hull for last week's Sunday Snap at the birthplace of a social reformer who helped to abolish slavery in the British Empire. I asked who it was and the answer is

William Wilberforce

Getting the answer right were AnneCheryl and Sara.

We've been on our annual Easter road trip to Scotland in search of a good stock of Sunday Snap photographs and stories. Our first call was just outside Edinburgh to the stunning Rosslyn Chapel. It was built in the 15th century as a Catholic collegiate church. It was one of three used by the Sinclair family on their estate and it is still owned by descendants of the original family today. After the Scottish Reformation in 1560 Roman Catholic worship in public was no longer permitted and the chapel was abandoned and left for nature to take over. It became a place for poets and painters to seek inspiration in its romantic, decayed state. In 1842 the then young Queen Victoria visited it and was shocked at what she saw and demanded it be restored and preserved for the nation. 

What has attracted visitors from far and wide to Rosslyn Chapel for centuries is its interior full of biblical and mysterious cravings and symbols. There are angels playing the bagpipes, rows of North American maize and aloe vera carved before Christopher Columbus discovered the 'New World', depictions of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues (with greed and charity swapped around) and over 100 green men. However in the 21st century it is the chapel's links to the Knight Templar and the Jesus bloodline that has attracted the most attention. In 2003 Dan Brown's book was published featuring the symbologist Robert Langdon and cryptologist Sophie Neveu. They follow a trail of clues before finding themselves at Rosslyn Chapel. The novel became a worldwide phenomenon selling over 80 million copies. This was followed by the film realised in 2006 staring Tom Hanks as the protagonist. This week's question is

What was the name of Dan Brown's book and film that featured Rosslyn Chapel?

We were joined last week by Anne and a robin sitting pretty on the fence. Kara has been out in the bluebell woods and seeing feeding time at the zoo. In France Cheryl has been snapping log leaping. The simple beauty of silhouettes has been captured by Gentle Joy. Finally, Susan's crew have been having a sweet time during their Easter holidays.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 28th April 2017 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it. 
Sunday Snap

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  1. Oh no, we missed this when we visited is the Da Vinci Code

  2. No idea but I'll guess at Da Vinci Code ?

  3. It's the Da Vinci Code....and another reason to visit Scotland. I keep seeing so many lovely places I'd like to visit in Scotland that I should be planning a year long trip!

  4. Ooh I didn't know you were here. Hope you enjoyed it. The weather wasn't great. Roslyn chapel looks fab. It's the Da Vinci code film and book x


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