Tuesday 11 April 2017

Meatloaf – makes 2

Do you have a list of dishes you keep meaning to make but never seem to get around to cooking? One of mine was meatloaf. My husband kept telling me how he enjoyed it as a child and I knew it would make a great family meal for the four of us. Finally once I got my hands on a batch of heavily reduced sausagemeat after Christmas (5p each) I knew the meatloaf's time had come.

There are hundreds of different recipes around for meatloaf. Some people may raise an eyebrow at me mixing together pork sausagemeat and beef mince. Others will insist it needs to be covered with streaky bacon. All I know is that this combination works a treat and everyone wished there was seconds. In this case there are seconds of a fashion as the recipe makes one to eat and one to freeze. This is simply because sausagemeat comes in a standard pack size so it's easier to use it all in one go. To use the frozen one simply defrost and then reheat in the oven at 180°C/Gas mark 4 for 20 minutes. I cook them in glass Pyrex loaf tins so it can be frozen straight in the tin after it has cooled down. If you use metal tins then remove first before freezing.

Makes 2, serves 4 each
Equipment: 2 x 1lb loaf tins greased, large bowl


2oz (55g) Breadcrumbs
3tbsp (45ml) Milk
1tbsp (15ml) Henderson's Relish or Worcestershire Sauce
1tbsp (15ml) Wholegrain mustard
3tbsp (45ml) Tomato ketchup
3tbsp (45ml) Red onion chutney
1lb 1oz Beef mince
1lb (454g) Pork sausagemeat
1 Large carrot grated
1tbsp (15ml) Dried mixed herbs


Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/Gas mark 4.
Put the breadcrumbs and milk in the large bowl and leave to soak for 10 minutes.
Add in the rest of the ingredients and mix well so everything is well combined.
Equally divide the mixture between the two tins and smooth the top.
Put into the oven and cook for 45 minutes.

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