Sunday 22 July 2018

Sunday Snap – The Wonder of the Isle of Wight

We were in Hampshire for last week's Sunday Snap looking at the Wild Horses. I asked which national park they lived in and the answer is

The New Forest

Riding their way to the right answer were Susan, Cheryl, Lisa, Anne and Kara.

Whilst I took this photograph from on the beach in the New Forest this week's Sunday Snap is all about a famous sight of the Isle of Wight. As you look across from the pebble beach of Milford on Sea you could be forgiven for thinking that the land simply stretches round. The one giveaway is of course these distinctive chalk stacks.

At the end of the chalk stacks is the iconic red and white lighthouse. It was built in 1859 and until 1994 it was manned by lighthouse keepers who lived inside. Once it was automated visits to the lighthouse have been for maintenance purposes only. The need for a lighthouse at this point is due to the number of shipwrecks that have occurred over the years in these rocky waters. On top of the cliffs is a weather station which often records the strongest winds in the country – the highest ever recorded here was 109mph in 2016.

Around the Isle of Wight there are a number of attractions and places which are listed as 'Wonders'. These include Cowes you cannot milk and Ryde where you walk. This one is something you can't thread. This week's question is

What is the name of these chalk stacks?

We were joined last week by Susan and adventures in California. Some of Sara's favourite photos his week are the path to the conservatory and fern fronds. Zipping through this week was Cheryl's son. Lisa has made the most fabulous Bat Mitzvah album. Visions of summer from Kara this week are pots of sunflowers and rides on the miniature train at the school fayre. Soma has made a quilt inspired by a Scottish garden. Finally, Jesh has been capturing her summer reflections of July.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 27th July 2018 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

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  1. The Needles - I remember going there as a kid and paying to fill up a little glass figure of the lighthouse with all the different coloured sands. I wonder if there is any left or if generations of tourists have depleted it all !

  2. The Needles. I haven't been to the Isle of Wight for many years but have promised to take my kids one day. I can remember getting a bus to Ryde and then getting the Beatles song stuck in my head 'She's got a ticket to Ride.'
    Thanks for hosting x

  3. Oh I’d love to visit the Isle of White, it looks beautiful. I have no idea, but it looks lovely x

  4. I'd love to visit that part of the world....maybe someday!


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