Sunday 4 March 2018

Sunday Snap – The Roman Column

We were in Stoke for last week's Sunday Snap. I asked who the Wizard of Dribble was and the answer is

Sir Stanley Matthews

Scoring with the right answer were Susan, Anne and Soma.

This week we are going back in time. This Roman column was found during excavations at the nearby minster in 1969. It was erected again in 1971 to mark the 1900th anniversary of the foundation of the city by the Romans in 71AD. The Romans chose this site as it was where the rivers Foss and Ouse join together allowing goods and supplies to be transported to and from the North Sea. It was also near other tribes that they were keen to overcome. They gave their new home the name of Eboracum. The first part of the name – Ebor – is still used today in names of businesses and a horse racing meeting at the local race course.

Such was the importance of this site was that during two periods the Roman Empire was governed from this place. The Romans ruled for around three hundred years until its empire collapsed and the army left Britain. The Anglo Saxons then came here and renamed it Eoforwic before the Vikings took the city and called it Jorvik. This week's question is

What is the name of the city where this Roman column stands?

We were joined last week by Susan and a football tournament. Sophie has been to Italy on a school trip. In Norway Cheryl found the calmness reflected in the water. A birthday treat meant a visit to Bletchley Park for Anne and family. On the bank of the River Thames Afra was watching the shadows watching the sand sculptures. Soma has been dreaming of the stars. Finally, Kara has been capturing smiles under water and the joy of reading.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 9th March 2018 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.

Sunday Snap

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  1. I have no idea, sorry. Hope you have a good week x

  2. I seem to remember Jorvik is York :)

  3. I know this, it's York. I've only been there once but it's a lovely city and I will have to go back soon. Thanks for hosting x

  4. It's York. I can spot that cathedral even from space :)



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