Friday 18 March 2016

Finance Fridays – What would you save in a fire?

Welcome to this week's Finance Fridays. Last week we were looking at mobile payment apps. It seems opinion is split between those wary of trusting such methods and people who have embraced this new form of payment. For our collaborative post this week we are talking about those essential possessions you would do anything to save.

Figures show there is a domestic fire every 8 minutes in the UK. When it comes to fires one question that comes up time and time again is “What would you save in a fire?” The answers vary between the sentimental, the practical and our current favourite gadgets!

Maybe not surprisingly women are more sentimental than men with boxes full of ticket stubs, letters, teddy bears, photographs and even jewellery from exes! Items that fall into this category often have a low monetary value but are priceless to the owner. If you have a selection of precious mementos try to keep them all in one place if you need to grab them quickly.

In terms of practical possessions people list passports, certificates, savings books and policy documents. If such items got damaged or destroyed you may find it a hassle to get replacements and quite costly. Replacing an UK Passport now costs from £72.50. If you want to protect your vital documents from fire invest in a fireproof safe.

Of course for many people gadgets are their lifeline in terms of work. Laptops, mobile phones, cameras may carry information that is irreplaceable but you can at least get them insured for the monetary value by taking out home insurance. In the meantime make sure you back up any important files via storage outside of your home such as cloud storage.

What would you grab as you left the house? Have you ever had a house fire?

We were joined last week by Jo and her beautifully illustrated tale of her attempt to open a bank account for her son. After traipsing around four banks the pair went home without an open bank account and a pocketful of unbanked cheques. Do keep us informed Jo if you ever manage to open a bank account!

If you want to join in with this week's Finance Fridays then add your link to the linky below. Any post concerning financial matters is allowed. Full details here. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Tuesday 22nd March 2016 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post.
Finance Fridays

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  1. If I am being 100% honest, as long as my family and I got out the house safely I would be happy.

  2. For me, it would definitely be the things that could not be replaced... photos & a box of super cute pictures drawn by my daughters when they were small.

  3. Oooh I don't know what I'd save to be honest. I think as long as my family and dog were safe that would be enough.

  4. Apart from the obvious hubby and kids it has to be my Jack Wills handbag and contents! They are all equally as precious! ;)

  5. that statistic of a fire every 8 minutes is scary. I have stopped putting tumble driers on overnight for fear of a fire.

  6. I do worry about things like pictures and heirlooms. Clearly though getting the family and the cats out first is top priority.

  7. Obviously the children, but after that definitely the SD cards and computer with all of the pictures stored on them! It's awful to think this could ever happen though isn't it, I often pull away from the house regretting leaving the washing machine on or dishwasher, you just never know!!

  8. Photos! It's scary how something can happen and change your lives isn't it.

  9. We have a fireproof box, I would grab that. Apart from that just kids, husband and pets!

  10. I would probably just grab the kids, the dog and hubbie and if there was time their soft toys, as they love them so much! I like the sound of a fireproof safe though for our passports, important documents and the all important pictures and drawings of the kids x

  11. I wrote a post about this ages ago and I think I said the only thing I'd be bothered about would be my external hardrive as it's filled with all of my photos but actually I'd just be happy that we were all safe x

  12. I guess I would ensure my family is safe then maybe handbag.

  13. Probably my phone and my laptop. Once your family are safe the rest really doesn't matter that much!

  14. Leo! Most definitely my little man. If there was the opportunity to grab the laptop with all of our photos on then I would.

  15. I have a fireproof case and I need to move some of the most recent paperwork in there! Thanks for the reminder!xx

  16. I have not heard of a fireproof case. I think I need to get one to store all my photographs in

  17. This definitely made me think; I haven't come across a fireproof box before but I'm going to look into one. Overall though I think as long as my family was safe, the rest wouldn't matter so much.


I appreciate your comments. If you have any tips, tricks or tweaks please pass them on!