Sunday 27 September 2015

Sunday Snap – The Peak District House

We were picking up our ball and running with it for last week's Sunday Snap. The schoolboy who allegedly created the game of rugby at Rugby School was

William Webb Ellis

Surviving the scrum and getting the answer right were Erica, Cheryl and Jen.

From town we go to country this week and the beautiful Peak District. This is the house that is probably the best known in Derbyshire. Since 1549 it has been home to the Cavendish family more commonly known as the Dukes of Devonshire. Situated on the banks of the River Derwent it is one of the most visited attractions in the area along with its gardens. Pictured at the side of the house are the steps of The Cascade added in 1696. It is made up of 24 steps of which each one is unique with a slightly different shape and texture so the water makes a different sound when it runs down it. When the 10th Duke of Devonshire died in 1950 the title was passed onto his son the new 11th Duke. Careful tax planning had meant that throughout the 10th Duke's later life the house and surrounding estate was transferred to his son. Unfortunately the 10th Duke died too soon for the lifetime exemption to apply and death duties of 80% was levied upon the estate. In 1950 the Inheritance Tax bill came to £7million (£214 in today's money). Land was sold off, the family's Hardwick Hall was gifted to the National Trust and major artworks and antiques from the above pictured house auctioned. It took 17 years to finally come to an agreement with the Inland Revenue over the settlement and in that time interest on the debt grew. In order to make sure that such a situation was never repeated and the house remained safely within the family's care a trust was set up in 1981. Today, the 11th Duke of Devonshire pays a market rent in exchange for use of the private apartments. This week's question is

What is the name of the Derbyshire stately home?

We were joined last week by Snoskred and a look in the garden. Sophie was in the middle of a sibling pile up. Someone little was playing mum over at Susan's. Kirsty was getting ready to get on her bike. A toothy grin was captured by Cheryl. There was a fabulous photo of a busy bee from Kelly. There was some sunset paddling by Sue over on Lake Jordan. Chelsea has need a good luck charm this season and Kara was there for a much needed win. As autumn falls in the UK Betty has been out in the New Zealand spring photographing the beautiful flowers.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 2nd October 2015 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

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I'll share my favourites with you next week and remember I do like a bit of a tale to go with a photo but it's not a necessity!


  1. How beautiful - I would love to see the cascade a bit closer up as well. :)

    1. There's fountains as well which go off. It's quite magical!

  2. i love this photo, i really miss views like this since we left the Uk, thank you for sharing

  3. That is a stunning house. The Peak District is somewhere I have not visited but would love to soon

  4. Looks beautiful - I think it's Chatsworth House

  5. I also think it might be Chatsworth House, a beautiful picture! x

  6. I would also guess Chatsworth House because it is the only stately home I know up there!

  7. I think Chatsworth. it is somewhere on our must visit list. We see the signs as we drive down the county

  8. A beautiful house but I have no idea what it's called!

  9. I have no idea but it's a very beautiful stately home! x

  10. What a beautiful building and the steps of the cascade sound great. Mich x

  11. Chats worth house is wonderful X


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