Monday, 16 March 2015

Slow cooker lamb casserole

Slow cooker Irish lamb casserole stew

Years ago lamb was a staple of many families' midweek meals. It was cheap and easy to prepare. As a child I remember having lamp chops once a week. Nowadays all meat is expensive and lamp chops a rare treat. When I happened to be in the right place to get lamb chops reduced I knew what I wanted to do with them. I decided to keep it simple and take it back to basics. So I thought I would turn to the Irish and how they would cook lamb. With its root vegetable base this is just the dish for St. Patrick's Day or the days when the cold wind bites and a hearty comfort dish is required.


2 Large onions, sliced
1½ lbs (700g) Potatoes, peeled and sliced
4 Carrots, sliced
8 Lamb chops/cutlets
½ pint (280ml) Lamb stock
Black pepper


1. Pre-heat the slow cooker to HIGH.
2. Put the vegetables in the bottom of the slow cooker.
3. Place the lamb chops on top and pour over the lamb stock.
4. Grind over the black pepper.
5. Cook on HIGH for 4-6 hours or low for 6-8 hours.
6. Serve with the cooking liquor poured over.

Linking to #FoodYearLinkup at My Recipe Book UK.

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1 comment:

  1. I love lamb casserole. Sadly I don't get to cook it all that much as my husband isn't a fan of lamb (or casserole) but every now and again I'll give it a try to see if he'll change his mind! Your version look like it would be proper comfort food, perfect for March when I think the weather should be warming up but it really isn't (I got hailed on earlier!).

    Thanks for joining #FoodYearLinkup x


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