Tuesday 10 March 2015

Bird watching at Hardwick Hall

Hardwick Hall birdwatching
We took advantage of the good weather at the weekend to make our first visit of the year to Hardwick Hall. It's a huge estate with something for everyone – woodland walks, historic buildings, stunning views and established gardens. We had good walk around but my eye was caught as always by the birds.
If you ever want to get children interested in bird watching sites like this are ideal. The back of the Visitor's Centre is one big window looking out onto a selection of bird feeders. The seed, peanut and fat ball feeders attract a number of small birds who seem oblivious to the people looking around
inside the centre.
I decided to watch the birds outside. Despite the spring sunshine the March winds were definitely in force. Not ideal when you're trying to hold a long lens steady. There were also a few ruffled feathers on the birds!
On such a blustery day you can appreciate the strength of these birds. They are tiny creatures with the Coal Tit weighing only about 10g but still it clings on.
Coming to the feeder were Great Tits, Blue Tits, Coal Tits and a very territorial Nuthatch. What birds have you spotted this month?


Linking up with Animal Tales with Rosie at Eco-Gites of Lenault.


  1. Such beautiful shots, I love seeing birds but unfortunately they don't come in our garden no matter how much we tempt them x #animaltales

    1. Good excuse to get out and about to spot some in the wild. I'll have to come over and work some 'bird whisperer' magic!

  2. I visited Hardwick Hall many years ago but not for bird watching - it looks like a great spot. We have our normal array of birds here (which luckily means loads) and I even spied a bullfinch today which was a very pleasant surprise.
    Many thanks for joining in with #AnimalTales once again and I look forward to more birdy pictures (and hope you have less wind to contend with!)

    1. I bet the birds hope for less wind weather as well soon!

  3. The Mother says - What great photos and such a lovely post. We get a wide range of birds around our way including a very naughty Heron which has taken a fancy to our neighbours pond(!) Lucas has been known to shout at the Heron but he is fascinated by him :) #animaltales

    1. My neighbour has a pond filled with fish and the local heron has been known to pop by for a takeaway!

  4. I get quite excited by tits and other such small garden birds, because round here it's mostly seagulls, pigeons, rooks and so on, although my son is pretty good at spotting everything. Of course, we also get green parrots, which I think is just wrong given that we live in London, but the kids find them as boring as sparrows, because they are so ubiquitous. Well, actually, probably more so round here.


I appreciate your comments. If you have any tips, tricks or tweaks please pass them on!