Tuesday 26 February 2019

Chocolate and yogurt mousse

For a Valentine's treat we bought a box of macaroons. Brightly coloured in an array of flavours they were the perfect romantic finish to our meal. However, I knew when we bought them that the Junior JibberJabbers fancied having some as well. To go with them I decided to make these chocolate and yogurt mousses. Just four ingredients and incredibly quick and easy to make. For the end to any special these are great make-ahead dessert.

Serves 4
Equipment: Small saucepan, glass heatproof bowl, wooden spoon


5oz (150g) Dark chocolate
7 fl oz (200ml) Whole milk
7oz (200g) Full-fat Greek yogurt
2tbsp (30ml) Maple syrup


1. Set up a bain marie with the small saucepan and heatproof bowl. Make sure the water in the saucepan doesn't touch the bottom of the bowl.
2. Break the chocolate into small pieces and put in the heatproof bowl.
3. Heat the water and stir the chocolate with a wooden spoon until it is smooth and fully melted.
4. Pour the milk in and stir until combined.
5. Take the bowl off the heat and stir in the yogurt and maple syrup.
6. Ladle into 4 serving bowls and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

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