Sunday 2 September 2018

Sunday Snap – The Cistercian Monastery

We were taking a trip on the Heritage Railway for last week's Sunday Snap. I asked what its name is and the answer is

Swanage Railway

Steaming along with the right answer were Lisa, Kara and Anne.

From the south coast we're up to North Yorkshire this week. In this National Trust estate stands the magnificent ruins of this former Cistercian Monastery. It is in fact Britain's largest monastic ruin. It was originally founded in 1132 by 13 Benedictine monks who had been at St. Mary's Abbey in York. With a view to leading an even more simpler life. In turn they became Cistercian monks.

With the nearby land providing wool and lead the monastery flourished and became very rich. All this changed of course in 1539 when Henry VIII ordered the dissolution of the monasteries. The now ruins and surround buildings and land were sold to a merchant, Sir Richard Gresham. The estate passed through Sir Richard's family before being sold to Sir Stephen Proctor in 1611. Part of the stone from the monastery was used to build a new mansion for him.

Over the next 350 years the estate saw a succession of owners before being transferred to the Department of the Environment in 1966. It was bought by West Riding County Council and following a change in local government administration it passed to North Yorkshire County Council in 1974. Finally it was bought by the National Trust in 1983 and was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986. On the same estate is a water garden and it is the springs of water flowing down that this monastery was named after. This week's question is

What is the name of the monastery?
We were joined last week by Susan and the poor old Duke of Wellington with a cone on his head! Alan's daughter has been having fun on the trampoline. There's been a bumper batch of 80th birthday cards for Lisa to make. Kara has been having fun at the Victorious Festival and at the much calmer Stonehenge. It got up close and personal for Anne and some encounters with red deer. Sara has been camping at Big Creek. Finally, Jesh has been looking at the end of August.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 7th September 2018 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.

Sunday Snap

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  1. I’m not sure, but it looks beautiful. I love the greenery that frames the photo xx

  2. I think it's Fountain's Abbey. Beautiful picture!


  3. It is beautiful, I would love to visit but have no idea

  4. Such a beautiful photo but I have no idea of where it is.
    Thanks for hosting x


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