Sunday 30 September 2018

Sunday Snap – The American President

We were at the Ribbleshead Viaduct for last week's Sunday Snap. I asked what railway route travelled over it and the answer is

Settle to Carlisle

Riding high with the right answer was Susan.

We're off to Manchester this week and a statute of the 16th president of the United States. My apologies for the angle of the photograph but building works meant that the space in front of the statue fenced off.

His early life gave no hints to his political ambitions or the lasting legacy he would leave behind. He was born in 1809 in a one-room log cabin in Kentucky. When he was seven years old his family moved to Illinois and he spent much of his younger life moving around and taking on jobs such as a shopkeeper, post master and working on a river boat on the Mississippi. At the age of 25 his growing interest in politics saw him winning election to the Illinois state legislature.

He was a self taught lawyer who after passing the necessary exams was called to the bar in 1836. During his time as a working lawyer he continued to further his political career and was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1846. He held strong opinions on many national matters which at times was not always the populist view. He was against the US war with Mexico and opposed slavery. His strong performances in debates led him to be given the nomination as the Republican candidate for the presidency. Despite his unpopularity in the southern states he secures enough votes to become president in 1860.

His election saw the breakaway of seven southern states to form the Confederate States of America. In turn this became the America Civil War. As the war raged on the president travelled to Gettysburg to the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery. There he gave a speech that was only 271 words but has become one of the most famous in world history.

Just days after the first surrender which resulted in the southern states giving victory to the Union the president went to a performance of Our American Cousin at the Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C. Whilst engrossed in the play John Wilkes Booth, a actor and southern sympathiser, entered the president's box and shot him in the head. He died from his wounds a few hours later. While Booth had been planning the downfall of the president for some time it is thought that the speech by the president only three days beforehand advocating votes for blacks was the tipping point for his assassination plans. This week's question is

Who was the 16th President of the United States?

We were joined last week by Susan and some leaf collecting. Minoru has been to Mt. Kuradake. Sara favourite things this week include magnolia blossom with bud, the Volunteer Park Conservatory in Seattle and a rose bouquet from the garden. In New Zealand Betty paid a visit to Tupare Garden. Paying a flying visit to Cheryl was a one-footed seagull. A trip to Manchester for Kara meant seeing the Blue Peter studio and the Wave and Weeping Poppies. Finally, Jesh has been to the Netherlands.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 5th October 2018 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

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  1. Abraham Lincoln. I had no idea there is a statue of him in Manchester.


  2. I’m sure it’s Abraham Lincoln, but why is there a statue in Manchester? X

  3. I think the angle of the photograph is great! I think it's Abraham Lincoln.
    Thanks for hosting x

  4. Abraham Lincoln, but why is there a statues of him in Manchester?

  5. "OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE" His speech is very famous in our country. I was in Manchester just before the terroism happened in last year. Thanks for sharing.


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