Tuesday 6 March 2018

Marbled chocolate and vanilla loaf cake

marbled chocolate vanilla loaf cake
When it snows you bake! This weekend we had to abandon most of our plans due to the amount of snow that had fallen in this parts. Since we live in cul-de-sac the lack of through traffic meant that the snow wasn't budging so the car remained on the drive. If a cake was to be made then the ingredients would have to be found in the cupboards. I could have whipped up a quick Victoria sponge but a request for something with chocolate in was made.

Just like a Victoria sponge this is an all-in-one recipe. Once baked it has a lovely crust but light texture. If you want to glam it up a bit you could melt a mixture of chocolate to drizzle over the top. For some added flavour a hint of orange extract would really work well.

Equipment: 2lb (1kg) loaf tin lined, 2 large bowls, cup or jug, electric whisk, wire rack


8oz (225g) Unsalted butter softened or baking spread
8oz (225g) Caster sugar
10oz (285g) Self-raising flour
2tsp (10ml) Baking powder
3 Eggs
2 tbsp (30ml) Milk
½ tsp (2.5ml) Vanilla extract
1½ tbsp (22.5ml) Cocoa powder
2tbsp Hot water


Pre-heat the oven to 160°C/Gas mark 3.
In a large bowl beat together the butter, sugar, flour, baking powder, eggs, milk and vanilla extract until pale and fluffy.
Divide the mixture evenly between two bowls.
In a small cup or jug mix together the cocoa and hot water and then add it to one of the mixtures. Stir well to make sure it is well combined.
Put alternate scoops of the mixture in the prepared tin and finish off by gently levelling the top.
Bake for 50 minutes until a skewer comes out clean.

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