Sunday 29 January 2017

Sunday Snap – The Disappearing Village

The Disappearing Village
We were tapping along to the sound of the music coming from the Radio City Tower for last week's Sunday Snap. I asked which city it was in and the answer is


Singing along with the right answer were Cheryl, Anne, Erica and Mich.

For this week we are going over land and sea to the Isle of Wight. Situated near the southern tip of the island is the UK's and some say world's oldest amusement park. The location on the coast has for years been known for its tales of shipwrecks thanks to a combination of smuggling, treacherous rocks and frequent storms. When Victorian travellers started to make the Isle of Wight fashionable a local businessman, Alexander Dabell, saw the potential in buying a piece of land along this south-western stretch. He opened the park in 1843 and one of the attractions included a skeleton of a whale washed up on a nearby beach. It is still on show today. At the time one of the features was a natural ravine; one of many down this coastline. Whilst at first it provided a scenic backdrop to the attractions – Queen Mary was a frequent visitor and liked to take in the gardens and buy fine china in the bazaar – over the years the geology of the area has meant that large chunks of it have been lost to landslips.

Much of this section of the island is made up of Gault Clay, known locally as Blue Slipper clay. When there is heavy rainfall the Gault Clay, which is found underneath the rock, slips down causing massive destruction. So much land has been lost over the years that it was termed 'The Disappearing Village'. Indeed the owners (it is still in the hands of the Dabell family to this day) used to live onsite until they were forced to flee their house one night when the land started to slip beneath them. You used to be able to see the bath tub resting on the landslip after it had become detached from the now wrecked house. Year after the year the owners have to keep gradually moving the park back and bringing in new attractions to replace the ones that have been lost. The photograph above comes from my vast collection of photos of the area as despite the view being never the same on each visit it still remains to be one of favourite places in this big old world. This week's question is

What is the name of this theme park?

We were joined last week by Susan and some birthday celebrations. Cheryl found the WWII ship Princess Elizabeth enjoying a more peaceful time. The sun was shining through the trees for Anne. At Kara's they have been feeding the llamas and enjoying the warmth at Cub camp. Finally, Laura was waiting for a fish and chip supper.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 3rd February 2017 to join in. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it. 

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  1. I love it here - it is Black Gang Chine :)

  2. Having been on a few family holidays to the Isle of Wight back in the eighties, I would guess at Blackgang Chine but I didn't know any of the back story. Fascinating stuff !

  3. Is it the Black Gang Chine? I've only been there once, when I was 12 and I remember being packed off to the Black Gang Chine on a coach with my little brother who was 4. I have no memory of why we were going alone, but I was too young to looking after my brother because I lost him there. When I found him again (he was in a teepee!) I slapped him, more out of fright than anything. He started crying and I was trying to comfort him and all the adults that walked past where giving us treats, sweets or money to try to stop him crying. It was a strange experience and I'm sure it would be the same these days. (Im going back 39 years!) Sorry for rambling on :) xx

  4. I have never been here. That sounds like a wonderful place to visit, but a bit scary too. That is a fascinating story. I think my fave post of Sunday snap yet and I love all of yours. Always so interesting and full of history and facts x

  5. I think it must be Blackgang Chine, but it's actually not a place I've ever been. We still haven't been to the Isle of Wight, although we'd like to...

  6. I wouldn't know what it is but it sounds so interesting, would love to visit this place once!

  7. Isle of Wight is one place I've never been. I think it needs to go on my wish list x

  8. Love your pieces of history every week, fascinating :) No idea what the name would be. Hoping it's something really exciting!

  9. Ohh I know this one. Blackgang Chine, not that I've been there since I was a teenager. Mich x

  10. I've never been to the Isle of Wight but it is definitely somewhere I'd love to go, not sure I'd want to own property here ;)

  11. Black Gang Chine - it's a great name isn't it?


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