Thursday 8 January 2015

In the garden – What a difference a week makes

From the snow of last week the garden has been returned to normal. Sometime between 2014 going and 2015 coming in we had rain so we woke up to the New Year without any trace of the snow and ice that had covered everything. Since then we have had more rain, heavy frost, bright sunshine and strong winds but still the garden battles on. As you can see the white hydrangea has bounced back although it is still looking very leggy. To cut or not to cut?
The bamboo has jumped back up as well. You would have never known that just a couple of days previously it was pinned to the ground by the snow.
I thought the snow would be the death of the geraniums but yet they still carry on. Some even have flower buds on. I'm torn between trying to protect them (even if they look as if they don't need it) or to just enjoy the greenery outside my patio window while I can.
The buds on the flowering currant are getting bigger. This week I have noticed Mr and Mrs Blackbird have been in the garden together and look as if they are viewing potential spring nesting sites. They have nested twice behind the flowering currant but last year they got beaten to the spot by the robins.
Round the front of the house I have even more daffodils out in bloom! On dark days their bright yellow trumpets provide a welcome splash of colour.
I thought one of the daffodils would never recover from the snow attack but it has and shows no ill effects. I always find it amazing how resilient nature can be.
Now the ground is clear I have also noticed the new spring bulbs are poking through. As the daffodils flower so early by March they have all died off so we planted a selection of bulbs last year. Hopefully next month we will have a display of snowdrops followed by crocuses and narcissus. It just shows that even if you don't have the greenest of fingers a few select bulbs and plants can keep your garden going all year round.


  1. so much beautiful color and new growth in your grden already. how wonderful!

    1. I'm always surprised anything survives considering the harshness of the weather we have sometimes!

  2. Don't cut the hydrangea-at least I'm not cutting mine yet! I want to give it the best chance of another lovely year of flowers because they are such beautiful plants aren't they.

    1. I really don't want to cut it but in recent years it has got very leggy and is now overtaking the garden. I fear its days are numbered!

  3. Your garden is looking great and nice to see some daffs up already. No sign of ours yet but the crocus are well on their way. Geraniums really are troopers - the ones in our garden are still looking good despite several heavy frosts and a lot of wind.

  4. What a beautiful recovery from the snow - and spring buds on the way!

  5. It looks like Spring already in your garden! Our is still looking determinedly bare, I must plant more early bulbs to try and fill the gap next year.

  6. Wow - daffodils out already. I've seen them in buds in the shops but not seen any out yet. Wow. And looks like everything's recovered well from the white stuff. #hdygg

  7. Daffodils!!!
    Oh my goodness what on earth is going on with these bulbs?!
    Some lovely colour, even the hydrangea looks gorgeous

  8. YES! *fist pumps* DAFFODILS!
    My mum has snowdrops out at the moment too - it's all kicking off! It's been a mad weather week hasn't it? This morning I did the school run under dark grey rain clouds, getting soaked in the process and this afternoon it was super sunny and dry!
    Seeing your bulbs poking up makes me feel all happy and bouncy - Spring soon!
    Thank you for joining in again Jibbery Jabbery one x

  9. We have got daffodil shoots coming through but no flowers yet. It is lovely to see some colour. Your hydrangea is doing well, ours is all brown and dried up but it is open to all the elements at the front of the house x #HDYGG

  10. Wow! Your daffs are out - spring must be around the corner! Great to see your hydrangea doing so well. x

  11. Daffodils are my favourite flower, can't believe you have them blooming already! Our geraniums from last summer are still going strong, such a great flower for pots and window boxes.

  12. Your weather week sounds rather like ours although we had no snow. Mind you it'll be a long time before our daffs are in flower although there are a few green bulb shoots now poking through.

  13. Your garden look so beautiful.


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