Sunday 2 July 2017

Sunday Snap – The Merry Man

We were looking at a famous football manager associated with Nottingham for last week's Sunday Snap. I asked who the statue was of and the answer is

Brian Clough

Scoring a goal with the right answer was

We haven't quite finished our Nottinghamshire connections yet as we travel into Derbyshire for this week's Sunday Snap. This grave lies under a yew tree in the churchyard of Hathersage parish church in the Peak District. It is said to be of one of Robin Hood's loyal followers in fact his first and the only one present at his death. His nickname was a reversal of his first and last names but it provided an ironic twist as it gave the impression he was small in stature rather being the giant he that he was. Who actually lies in the grave is unknown but in 1784 a Captain James Shuttleworth exhumed the grave and found a thigh bone which he said belonged to man at least 7 foot tall. Since the 1929 the grave has been cared by The Ancient Order of Foresters.

Although Robin Hood is associated with Nottinghamshire there are strong arguments that he actually came from the village of Loxley near Sheffield which lies just eight miles from Hathersage. At the time when Robin Hood was said to be riding through the glen Sherwood Forest covered a much larger area including parts of the Peak District. This week's question is

Who is the giant said to be buried in the grave? 

We were joined last week by
Susan and hearts in the cloud. Kara has been celebrating birthdays with dinosaurs in the form of cake and skeleton. Anne has finally been able to get rosy with her flowers this year. Finally, Aurora Lee has been photographing the Broken Leg Theatre

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 7th July 2017 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

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  1. I think it is Samuel Taylor. If I remember from when I was last down there. xx

  2. I think it has to be Little John, or John Little. x

  3. I would guess at Little John - but I didn't know they'd reversed his names, I thought they were just being ironic !


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