Sunday 26 March 2017

Sunday Snap – The West Sussex Pier

We were building cities out of plastic bricks for last week's Sunday Snap. I asked which Windsor based theme park it was and the answer was


Stacking up the right answer were Kara, Faith, Anne and Susan.

From plastic cities we're off to pebble beaches this week. Nestled between Goring and Shoreham lies this West Sussex seaside town. After the railway arrived in the town in 1845 tourists and day trippers started to visit the town. Its increased popularity gave rise to the idea of building something all fashionable Victorian seaside resorts required – a pier. In April 1862 the new pier opened to the public for the first time.

Like most piers it has been subject to damage due to storms, fire and war. In 1913 a gale blew away the decking between the pavilion and the shore. As it occurred on Easter Monday the stranded pier was given the nickname 'Easter Island'. The South Pavilion was destroyed by fire in 1933. After both incidents repairs were quickly made to the pier. The threat of invasion during World War II meant the pier was separated from the shore in order to stop any possible German troops landing on the coast. In recent times investment in the pier has meant that it now boasts a café and wedding venue at the south end and a theatre at the north end.

For eight years up to 2015 the pier was home to the annual Birdman competition after the event was moved from Bognor Regis Pier. This involves people jumping off the end of pier whilst strapped to homemade gliders. Whoever flies the furthest wins the competition. Due to safety concerns the event was cancelled in 2016. This week's question is

Which West Sussex pier is this?

We were joined last week by Susan and her lovely little world of her children. On the Isle of Wight Kara has been to one of my favourite places – Blackgang Chine. She has been seeing dinosaurs hatching from eggs and visiting the new Underwater Kingdom. Anne has been looking back on walks around her local church.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 31st March 2017 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it. 
Sunday Snap

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  1. My old neck of the woods, that is Worthing :)

  2. I'm pretty sure this is Worthing, as my home town is just along the coast :)

  3. Worthing. It's a shame they stopped the Birdman events, was there some nasty accidents I wonder?
    thanks for hosting x

  4. I am sure this is worthing. My gran and grandpa lived here and my uncle still does. Been a while though. Hope you are good xx

  5. Enjoyed the pictures... and the link up. Thank you.


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