Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Keep on running with #brightFuture

Each week around not just the UK but across the world thousands of people drag themselves out of their beds to do a 5km run around their local park. The youngest runners are just four but some go round with younger children in their pushchairs. You can run solo, in a group or make it a family affair. It's something my daughter has really grown to enjoy and makes great training for her school cross country events.

Each week the events couldn't take place without the volunteers. To make sure we give something back we like to help out. There's a variety of roles from tail running to must sure nobody gets left behind to time-keeping at the end. After each one you can dash straight off or join in with the friendly gathering at the end in the café.
When we return home and the running kit is stripped off and dumped by the washing machine I use Persil Non-Bio to get it clean. I think it's kinder not only to the skin but also the clothes. Running kit is technical equipment and the fabrics it is made of last much longer when washed with the right cleaner.

By making sure the clothes we have last longer we save on the world's vital resources. It's these small actions that Unilever’s brightfuture is focusing on. By making such changes Unilever has found that since the launch of its Sustainable Living Plan it has helped 482 million people to improve their health and hygiene.

After a long run a good wash is a must. I have always been very conscious about what we put on our skin. Running – whether it is fast or slow – gives you a natural glow. It has many other positive effects on your appearance no matter what your age. With having a daughter I am well aware of the pressures these days to 'look good' and the damage that can be done if children feel they don't look right. As part of the Dove Self-Esteem Project leading psychologists, academics and experts have been putting together materials and resources which will help young people develop a healthy and positive relationship with their own bodies and appearances.
What small things do you do to make a big difference? How can your family make a #brightFuture?
This post is an entry for BritMums #brightFuture Challenge, sponsored by Unilever.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part


I appreciate your comments. If you have any tips, tricks or tweaks please pass them on!