Wednesday 10 September 2014

Blackberry and apple jelly

Blackberry apple jelly preserve foraged fruit preserving
We couldn't help ourselves. After our blackberry picking session on the way home from school we wanted more. We had the taste for these dark jewels with the blackberry crumble traybake and it wasn't enough. We waited a couple of days and then took our chance on a sunny afternoon. Off we went on our bikes to a new spot where the blackberries had grown even bigger and there was something else hiding in the trees – apples. In total we found three trees with different varieties of apple. I can only presume these have all grown from discarded apple cores. So we came home laden with blackberries and apples. What a beautiful combination.

One crumble was made to have that night and and another to be put away in the freezer for a treat to savour another day. With a bowl of blackberries left and apples aplenty I decided I had enough to make a jar of jelly. The great thing about making a jelly with blackberries is that all the seeds are eliminated leaving a smooth preserve. Blackberries are naturally low in pectin so normally you would need to add something to help the jelly set. Apples on the other hand are packed full of pectin. With them both ripe at the same time it's obviously a pairing nature approves of.

Equipment: Large high sided saucepan, jelly strainer stand, jelly bag or muslin square, glass jug, 2 small plates/saucers, freezer, 1 standard sized jam jar and lid.

1½lbs (700g) Blackberries
8oz (225g) Apples, unpeeled and diced
1 pint (570ml) Water
450g Granulated sugar for each 600ml of liquid. I had 500ml so used 375g of granulated sugar


1. Put the fruit into the saucepan and add the water.
2. Bring to the boil and squash the fruit (I use a potato masher) to help extract the juices. Reduce to a simmer.
3. Cook for about 30-45 minutes making sure the fruit doesn't burn.
4. Set up your jelly strainer and put a glass jug underneath.
5. Spoon some the fruit and juices into the jelly strainer. Add small amounts until all the mixture is in the strainer.
6. Leave to strain for about an hour. Do not be tempted to squeeze the bag as this will result in a cloudy jelly.
7. Check the volume of liquid and calculate the amount of sugar required. 600ml requires 450g. 500ml requires 375g of sugar.
8. Put the plates or saucers into the freezer.
9. Ensure the jar is clean and dry. Put into the oven to sterilize at 120°C/Gas mark ½-1.
10. Pour the jelly liquid back in the large saucepan (ensure no bits remaining in the pan) and bring to the boil. Add the sugar and stir gently to dissolve.
11. Keep at a rolling boil for about 10-12 minutes and then try the setting point.
12. Take one of the plates out of the freezer and drop a small amount of the liquid onto the plate. Push it with the spoon and if it wrinkles and moves it is ready to bottle. If not keep boiling and try again in a minute.
13.Quickly take the pan off the heat and take the jar out of the oven (remember it will be hot!).
14. Pour jelly into the jar. Skim any scum off the top. Put the lid on immediately to ensure that 'pop' when first opened.


  1. This sounds divine, im sat eating damson jam on toast which was made by a friend of mine and it is lush x

  2. I love crumble, and blackberries, but have never made jelly before. Think I am going to try this. Thank you!

  3. I love jellies over jam because I'm not a fan of the pips. I bet this is gorgeous on a nice warm scone.

  4. My kids prefer the jelly consistency to jam. The only reason I don't make my own is because of the high sugar content required.

  5. Oh I might give this a try, every time I have tried jams they fail me!

  6. yum! i just opened the last jar of blackberry jam I made last year - so it must be time to make more!

  7. This sounds amazing! I have never had a go at making jam but would love to.

  8. This is perfect for me as we've loads of apples and blackberries at the moment. Thank you!

  9. Great timing - I've just nobbled so windfall apples from a neighbour and plan to do something yummy with them. I've never made jam before - now might be the perfect time to try!

  10. Yum. I have never made Jam or Jelly x

  11. I really should try my hand at making jam one day - this looks lovely x

  12. I was so happy that I could give my son a berry picking experience when he was four years old and we visited my family in Finland. It's such a beautiful childhood memory for me.

  13. Noooooo!!!! I made blackberry and apple jam this week too! We must be living in the same head right now!

  14. Lovely. I'm a big fan of jellies and there's always room for one more. I must pick more blackberries - the last lot went into ketchup.

  15. This sounds perfect as we have both growing in the garden. Will certainly give it a try.

  16. Oh my goodness that sounds delicious. We have so many growing near here too so that's a perfect way to deal with them!

  17. wow I don't think I'd ever even heard of a tray cake! yum! x


I appreciate your comments. If you have any tips, tricks or tweaks please pass them on!