Sunday 7 September 2014

Sunday Snap - Penfold Post Box

We have a winner! Last week's Sunday Snap was of The Tyne Bridge and was successfully guessed by Rachel of Beauty Queen UK. So rather appropriately Rachel can don her crown as this week's champion and fog on the Tyne to the rest of you. There have been plenty of shots of the Tyne Bridge on TV his weekend due to the coverage of the Great North Games and Run. It's almost like I plan these things in advance. For those of you who have forgotten what it looks like in its full glory here it is plus a selection of some of the other bridges that cross this river:

I'm dispensing with the geography and fancy camera this week and going with a spot of history and my compact camera. Those who know me well will know that I can get more excited by the sight of a post box than a slice of chocolate cake. The photograph above is of a Penfold Post Box situated near Tower Bridge in London. Beloved of Christmas card designers and makers of tourist biscuit boxes, the Penfold post box is a true icon of British design. It was named after its designer J.W. Penfold who was a well known and respected architect. After the Post Office ceased manufacture of the Penfold boxes they replaced them with the now familiar cylindrical design.

This week's question is – from what year does the above post box date from?


  1. I have no idea - is it victorian?

    1. The cypher is on the front is VR for 'Victoria Regina'.

  2. The design 1866. That particular box 1989.

    1. Not quite right and I do have proof of the correct answer!

  3. That is a pretty postbox. Go on spill the beans, when was it made?

    1. If no one gets the right answer you'll have to wait until next Sunday!

  4. What a wonderful looking post box. I have no idea about the year though.

  5. What a cute post box wish all could be like that .

  6. The red post box is such a cute typical british symbol isnt it! I have no idea about the age though xx

    1. Penfolds were actually green when they were first introduced!

  7. Ooh, I've never seen a Penfold post box before! We've got some GR ones near where I live, this one looks Victorian to me!

    1. Penfolds are my favourite post box. There's a lot of GR boxes about as they are for George V and there was a big house building programme in the early 1930s.

  8. Yay go me and I think it is 1866 for the postbox x

    1. Good guess for the reigning champion! Penfolds were first introduced in 1866 but it's not the date of this box.

  9. I have no idea but is this the reason why in Danger Mouse -who lived under a postbox- his little hamster sidekick is called Penfold?! :)

    1. It is thought he was named after JW Penfold even though they don't live under an actual Penfold post box. The only other post box known by its designers name is the Ludlow which is a wall box. I think Penfold suited him better!

  10. No idea and I'm not going to cheat by googling :) Lovely postbox though!

    1. That's very honest of you! There is a lot of misinformation about this post box on the internet though.

  11. No idea...1927? I love English post boxes....there's something reassuring about them!!

    1. No, most definitely not 1927 for this post box!


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