Sunday 20 December 2015

Sunday Snap – The Red Santa

Last week for Sunday Snap we paid a visit to a Roman Catholic cathedral with the nickname 'Paddy's Wigwam'. I asked which city it was in and the answer is


Getting it right last week was Cheryl, Angela, Jen, Cass and Susan.

With it being the last Sunday Snap before Christmas I thought I would go seasonal with this week's photo. Last week the Coca Cola truck visited Sheffield so we nipped in to pay it a visit. I have to say it's a lot more magical on the adverts! Although Coca Cola is about American as you can get we were all terribly British and formed a neat queue in order to get a free mixer size can of Coke. There was a much longer queue which we didn't know what it was for but we joined it anyway and I went off to investigate what it was for. It seems everybody was waiting for their turn to have their photo taken next to the truck which had a signpost with 'Sheffield' pointing to the truck. Since we're not fans of such photographic portraiture we then ducked out of the queue and looked around the rest of the Christmas lights in the city centre.

It is the Coca Cola adverts that are often credited with Santa wearing a red outfit rather than a green one. It's probably fairer to say that it was those adverts from the 1930s that popularised the red costume rather than creating it. In the 19th century the tale of Sinterklass was taken to America by Dutch emigrants. Based on the legend of St. Nicholas, Sinterklass was usually depicted in red bishop's vestments. However over the years Santa Claus, Father Christmas and all the other names he has gone through has been shown wearing a number of different coloured outfits. This week question is

In what year was the Coca Cola advert which first featured a Santa in a red costume?

We were joined last week by Susan and her own little doll playing mum to her baby. Jack and Noah have paid a visit to the cow shed. If you're going to be photo-bombed at this time of year it may be by Santa as Cheryl's son found out. For Kelly it was a case of eye, eye I see you. A trip to the garden centre for Snoskred saw some expensive plants but some bargain buys. Finally, it has been just the weather for jumping in muddy puddles especially so for Kara and her troop who got to meet a rather large version of Peppa and George Pig.

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 25th December 2015 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it.
Sunday Snap

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I'll share my favourites with you next week and remember I do like a bit of a tale to go with a photo but it's not a necessity!


  1. Oh I LOVE the Coca Cola Christmas ads. They are a wonderful childhood memory of mine. I think it was 1931, as I read about this recently when looking to see when the coca cola truck was visiting, but I'm not 100%. I can't believe it's been around for so long. Have a wonderful Christmas xx

  2. I have to admit I have never seen the Coca Cola truck it is one thing I keep meaning to do and forget. x

  3. Speaking of Christmas and festive events here in Canada we have the Holiday Train. The Canadian Pacific rail company sends a huge long train bedecked in Christmas lights travelling countrywide (and Canada is a biiiiig country) stopping at various towns along the way to lay on a 15 minute show. It's a fantastic initiative designed to combat hunger with all comers bringing a non-perishable food item to donate. There's even a page on FB!
    Coca Cola has very much made themselves a part of the Christmas experience with their iconic truck ad. Merry Christmas!

  4. I'm not sure but I wish we had been able to see it the other night when it was near us but we had other commitments

  5. The truck was in bournemouth last week but I missed it :0(

  6. No idea on the question but it isn't Christmas until the Coca Cola truck advert has been on the Tv x x

  7. I love the coca cola ad it's just so christmassy nad magical.

  8. we keep meaning each year to go and visit the coca cola truck! must do it next year

  9. I always love the Coca Cola truck advert - but ws a bit disappointed with it this year. Kaz x

  10. Great photo - very festive! We have a collection of Victorian Christmas cards at Manchester Met, and some show Santa in red. So it definitely wasn't Coca Cola that invented the red garb, but they probably helped to make it the standard outfit.


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