Sunday 23 November 2014

Sunday Snap – The stained glass window

It was an Oxbridge battle for last week's Sunday Snap of The bicycle rack. In the light blue corner for Cambridge were Lucy of The Parent Game, Agata of Barktime and Stephen of Beautykinguk. However it was a win this time for the dark blues as the answer was:


Congratulations to Aby from You Baby Me Mummy and Emma of My Little 3 and Me who both guessed correctly. Incidentally the street where this photograph was taken is Broad Street where the first Oxfam shop was opened in 1948. You can still visit it today at number 17 Broad Street.

Onto this week's photograph of a stained glass window. Upon first glance it would probably be assumed this was in a church. However if you look closely you'll see there are no religious images or scenes. There are shields, crests and heraldic emblems plus the most telling feature in the middle – a king in all his regal splendour. So this week's question is:

In which royal palace is this window located?

If you want to join in with this week's Sunday Snap then add your link to the linky below. Any theme is allowed. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Friday 28th November 2014 to join in. Grab my badge below for your blog post. Just make sure it is your photo and you hold the copyright for it. I'll share my favourites with you next week and remember I do like a bit of a tale to go with a photo!
Sunday Snap

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  1. Beautiful photo, love all the coats of arms. Not good with my Royal palaces im afraid. Hope to see you on Linked this week

  2. Absolutely love that stain glassed window. As for Royal Palaces, I think it is the Palace of Westminster.

  3. What a beautiful window. No idea where it is though

  4. Beautiful window and I would also say Palace of Westminster x

  5. You know me, totally clueless on places - but in love with the stained glass!

  6. COuld it be hampton court? I love stained glass windows they are amazing and so much work went into them

  7. I can never do those but I love stained glass! x


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