Friday, 20 December 2013

Hot Coronation Turkey - T is for...Turkey

Hot Coronation Turkey
The fresh turkeys should be starting to appear in the shops in the next couple of days. It's often thought that eating turkey for Christmas dinner is a relatively new trend in the UK and one adapted from the American custom of having a turkey at Thanksgiving. It is true that turkey is far better suited to mass rearing as they can bred in a similar way to chickens while geese need far more freedom and land. However, there are reports of Henry VIII being the first British monarch to have had turkey as part of his Christmas feast.

Of course one of the attractions of turkey is that it can feed a houseful but there always seems to be leftovers no matter how well you judge the size. For this purpose we like to have this Hot Coronation Turkey which works equally as well with leftover chicken as well.

Serves 4


1 Onion, finely chopped
½oz (15g) Butter
1tbsp (15ml) Mild Korma curry powder
8oz (225g) Mango Chutney (My preferred variety is Sharwoods)
10oz (300g) Greek yoghurt
2tbsp (30ml) Mayonnaise
1½tsp (7.5ml) Tomato purée
About 10oz (300g) Cooked turkey/chicken, diced
Cooked rice to serve


1. In a large saucepan cook the onion in the butter until soft.
2. Add the curry powder, stirring for one minute.
3. Add the chutney and heat through.
4. Stir in the yoghurt, mayonnaise and tomato purée and heat until almost boiling.
5. Add the turkey or chicken and cook gently for about 15 minutes.
6. Serve with the cooked rice.

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