Monday 7 October 2013

2 Legs Good, 8 Legs Better

You never can tell when the weather is going to change at this time of year. Bright, sunny mornings can turn into downpours just after you put that second batch of clothes in the washing. So the when the sun does shine you need to be quick and get yourself organized – magnifying glass, net, tweezers, canister, bug barn, identification book and a selection of Barny snacks. That's all you need to go on a bug hunt!

Autumn is a great time for looking for insects. In the summer most insects are of the stinging flying variety or the delicate, too pretty and fragile butterflies. Once we get into September and October it's time for the spiders to get busy. You won't need to go far for a bug hunt – town or country you'll be sure to find plenty in the bushes around where you live. We decided to go on a short walk to the local fields. There were only a few dog walkers about but human life was evident in the shouts of the Sunday League footballers and distance hum of the cars whizzing down the A3.

A patch of tall grasses seemed an ideal place to start looking.

It wasn't long before we found our first specimen.

Eye spy with my little eye...another spider find.

Resting on a blade we spotted a little black beetle.

Lunch! We think it was a bee.

All of finds were locked safely in our bug barn while we had a sit down.

Time for a break and to find out what we had caught.

Every creature needs to eat!

Time to release our spiders before heading home.

This is an entry for Brit Mums 'Little Adventures Challenge' in partnership with Barny, the bear-shaped snack providing a little discovery in every bite. Find out more about Barny here

I was sent the Barny snacks and bug hunt kit for free. No payment was made for this post.  

1 comment:

  1. Great photos and some amazing pictures. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part.


I appreciate your comments. If you have any tips, tricks or tweaks please pass them on!