Friday 13 January 2017

Finance Fridays – Blogging Your Way To Riches

We were looking at ways to go about clearing Christmas debts for last week's Finance Fridays. This week I've been talking with two other bloggers about their new book Blogging Your Way To Riches. If you've ever wondered about changing career and starting a new blog then this is the book for you. 2017 could be the year you could turn your hobby or passion in something that really pays! Let's meet the authors, Lynn James and Emma Bradley, and find out a little about the duo.

Who are they?

You can find Lynn's blog at Mrs Mummypenny which she started while on maternity leave with her third child. Her background in finance comes from working as an accountant for companies such as EE, Tesco and HSBC. She now writes full-time about all things personal finance and lifestyle and loves sharing ways to get the best value for your money.

Lynn's writing partner is Emma Bradley who runs the blogs Emma and 3 and Mum's Savvy Savings. Emma started blogging whilst working as a teacher and being Head of Sociology. She now writes full-time using her experience as a teacher and mum to three about parenting teens and empowering young people.

Why did you decide to write Blogging Your Way To Riches?

“Writing a book felt like the right thing to do. The paperback is just £14.99 and gives you all the tips you will need to start a blog, improve a blog or make a living from your blog. It's a great point of reference that isn't going to break the bank but will give you much food for thought! This must be said from two personal finance bloggers! And if we didn't do it, well someone else would have done it some time, and probably will publish soon.”

What's your 5 year plan?

Lynn - “I would love to be running a successful Mrs Mummypenny business with turnover of more than £200K (yes aiming high, and it will happen!). With flexibility to continue to spend as much time as possible with the boys and keep going to all their football matches.”

Emma - “My plans include more public speaking and media opportunities where I can empower and educate others. I'm passionate about young people and raising the image of teenagers through my blog.”

What lessons have you learnt in blogging?

Lynn - “Go in high on negotiations; there is nothing worse than feeling like you have sold yourself short and done work for less than the agency or brand would have paid. What's the worse that can happen, maybe they say no your fee is too high! Well then you negotiate to the right level.”

Emma - “Networking and being nice is the best way to get on in the blogging community. Having a good reputation is your biggest asset and by always being professional and you will be remembered and PRs will want to work with you time and time again.”

What would be the top three blogging tips you could share?

1) Write lots of great content that people want to read. Post regularly and get into a posting routine.

2) Network as much as possible. Meet other bloggers, brands, PR agencies. Go to events and meet people in person.

3) Engage in collaborations, linkies, guest posts, blogger Q and As. Collaborations will get you different readers to your content, more social following and back links that will help your web authority DA. Plus collaborations feel good; it's great to help each other out.

Thanks Lynn and Emma for your time and I wish you every success with your book and future blogging.

Blogging Your Way To Riches is available as a either a paperback or Kindle e-book from Amazon.

This post may contain affliate links. It won't cost you any more but I may receive a payment. Blogging riches have got to start somewhere!

If you want to join in with this week's Finance Fridays then add your link to the linky below. Any post concerning financial matters is allowed. Full details here. It doesn't have to be published today as you have until 23.55 on Tuesday 17th January 2017 to join in.
Finance Fridays

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  1. Great to see how far they've come and love their fantastic 5 year plans - completely agree about going in high with negotiations.

  2. It is always great to read of successful stories when it comes to blogging. Even better when you have useful and helpful advice.

  3. I have been blogging for five years and although I earn from my blog it is only just starting to become more regular

  4. I think the tip that stands out the most is the one about networking - it's easy to think you don't need to do it but it must be very beneficial and is on my list of things to improve.

  5. They sound like cool ladies and interesting to read their perspective. I'm a long way off making money from my blog but it's definitely a goal of mine!

  6. This book is on my to buy list. I love both of these blogs and definitely can't wait to hear their tips and advice. x

  7. How inspirational - I love reading stories like this! I'd love to do some collaborations in 2017 - even with other bloggers ...

  8. Brilliant interview - I love the questions you asked them both!

    You also made me think about what my five year plan is....

  9. What a lovely interview. I need to read this book.

  10. I think I need to write a five year plan. I love blogging, yes it beings me an income, but it also saves my sanity.

  11. The love the sound of the book, I must read it soon, even though I have been blogging for five years I know I still have lots of learn x

  12. Ooooh, the book sounds great!

  13. I wpuld love to earn from my blog. I'm still a newbie and not alot of interest so far


I appreciate your comments. If you have any tips, tricks or tweaks please pass them on!