Tuesday 23 October 2018

Halloween Vampire Bat Chocolate Cake

I will never profess to being much of a cake decorator but this cake is a bit of fun. The design of it is so simple that is a great cake to get children to put together themselves. We always like to put on a bit of a Halloween themed feast on to dive into after a spot of trick 'n' treating. This cake would be the perfect centrepiece for it.

The basis of this cake is a chocolate sponge layer cake. I have given the recipe for one I use but if you have your own favourite then feel free to use it.

Equipment: 2 x 8in (20cm) sandwich tins greased and lined, large bowl, electric whisk/beaters, wire rack, round pastry cutter.


8oz (225g) Caster sugar
8oz (225g) Unsalted butter softened or baking spread
4 Eggs
6oz (175g) Self-raising flour
2oz (50g) Cocoa powder
2tsp (10ml) Baking powder
1tbsp (15ml) Milk


Dark jam or jelly such as blackberry or blackcurrant


2oz (50g) Dark chocolate
2 Glacé cherries


1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/Gas mark 4
2. In the large bowl add all the cake ingredients and beat together until well mixed and fluffy.
3. Transfer to the prepared tins so two equal portions are in each of the tins. Gently level out the tops.
4. Bake for around 20-25 minutes until the cakes are cooked and the tops are springy.
5. Leave in the tins for a few minutes before turning out and leaving to cool completely on a wire rack.
6. Melt the chocolate (use either the bain-marie method or in microwave) and spread on top of one of the cake layers. Leave to cool and set again.
7. Using the pastry cutter cut two circles down the middle of the layer with the chocolate on top, one above the other. The two halves of this layer will now form the bat wings.
8. Spread the jam on top of the remaining layer. Turn the cut layer around and then place on top for the wings.
9. Put one of the cut circles in the middle for the bat nose.
10. Cut the remaining circle in half for the bat ears and place each side of the nose.
11. To finish off use pieces of the glacé cherries for eyes and teeth.

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1 comment:

I appreciate your comments. If you have any tips, tricks or tweaks please pass them on!